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47 percent of Americans want a compromise to end the war in Ukraine

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The Ukraine-Russia war has descended into 10 months. With no sign of stopping it, 47 percent of Americans now call on Kiev to reach a deal soon to bring peace to Ukraine. Americans gave such opinion in a survey conducted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.

The survey report was released on Monday, December 5. It has been said that Ukraine has been affected by Russia's aggression for 10 months. A devastated town. But peace has no address. In such a situation, severe winter is coming. Therefore, the best way to resolve the war in the interests of humanity is through dialogue.

40 percent of respondents to the survey, however, indicated that existing aid to Ukraine should continue to continue the war. Democrats are 53 percent of those who advocate a negotiated end to war with Russia. Twenty-nine percent of Republicans said a gradual withdrawal of U.S. aid from Ukraine should follow. 25 percent of Republican Party supporters, however, said the US and allied powers need to act quickly to win the war against Russia.

The poll also found that more than two-thirds of Americans want more arms and economic aid to Ukraine. 75 percent think the US should take more refugees from Ukraine. At the same time, 75 percent of Americans suggested intensifying the level of sanctions against Russia.

It should be noted that the latest decision of the Biden administration was to send another 400 million dollars worth of arms to Ukraine. According to sources from the Ministry of Defense, as a result, the total allocation of the Biden administration in the arms sector to Ukraine has reached 20 billion dollars. Another $53 million will be sent this month to restore Ukraine's war-torn power supply system. All of them were damaged by Russian missile launches.

This poll by the Chicago Council also revealed that a third of Democrats think that Ukraine is taking advantage of the United States by setting up a pretext for war. 23 percent of Republicans hold that view. An independent 22 percent are of the same opinion. However, 46 percent of both parties believe that neither Russia nor Ukraine is benefiting.

Dina Smeltz, one of the survey team members, noted that those who think Ukraine is benefiting from the war are the ones who favor continuing the war.

It should be noted that last October the leaders of the G7 group advised the Ukrainian president to adopt the peace process. At that time, Russia was also given a condition to withdraw all troops from Ukraine for the sake of the peace process. Last week, President Biden said he was ready to meet with Russia if Putin wanted an end to the war in Ukraine. "However, such an attitude is still not being observed," said Biden. Biden said this at a joint press conference with the French president.

At the time, Biden also called for continued military aid to Ukraine to continue the war. At a State Department press conference last Friday, State Department spokesman Ned Price said Russia would have to leave the occupied territories before negotiations could begin. On the other hand, Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark A. Milley told reporters last month that the time has come for Ukraine to move forward with negotiations.

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