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Islamic cultural values

Photo: Online.

Culture is the way of life of people. Culture is created by combining the thoughts, religious beliefs, manners, clothing, food, movement, sports, entertainment, language and literary practices of a nation or group. In a word, culture means the way of human life. Culture is an integral part of human life. A healthy culture is very important in building an orderly society and establishing pure peace. Ideal culture can elevate a nation to the seat of excellence. On the other hand, bad culture can lead to dire consequences. That which destroys the healthy environment of man and distorts the latent talent, is bad culture. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) of Islam rescued a Jahili barbarian nation from the onslaught of misculture. A society that follows Islamic culture will always be an example of peace and order. Allah says, 'And remember the bounty which Allah bestowed upon you, you were enemies to each other, then Allah bestowed harmony in your hearts. As a result, you are now brothers by His grace. You were on the edge of the Fire, He saved you from it.' (Surah Ale Imran, verse 103)

Islam did not come to the world merely to achieve political or economic revolution. Islam has come to purify people's thoughts, mindset, behavior and all activities. And this is the real cultural revolution. Adopting a fully Islamic culture means fully embracing Islam. The great Lord declared, 'O honest people! Be fully included in Islam.' (Surah al-Baqarah, verse 208) The main goal of Islamic culture is to show the way to the ultimate success of people, to establish honesty and justice in society. Upholding the rights of the great Lord and His Messenger (PBUH) and the proper dignity of human beings. This culture can give salvation to all mankind in this world and the next. Can rescue from the fire of chaos. Another name for distorted culture is subculture. How Islamic culture can guide progress, lead to ideals, consolidate, enlighten; Likewise, bad culture can destroy people completely. So if the culture is devoid of humanity and morality and does not favor religious principles, no Muslim can follow it. The manners and culture of every Muslim will be in the light of Islamic values. Any culture outside of Quran-Sunnah cannot be called Islamic culture. Islamic culture is the way people reform and modify their behavior, body, mind and soul based on the principles of Islam. The basic foundation of Islamic culture is Quran-Sunnah. Therefore, anything that goes against the Qur'an-Sunnah is bad culture for Muslims. Practicing God-given ideals is the best cultural mindfulness. The great Lord declared, 'We have accepted the colors of Allah. Who is more colorful than God's color? And we are His worshippers.; (Surat al-Baqarah, verse 138)

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