Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Women fans feel safe in Qatar, welcome alcohol ban

Photo: Online.

The World Cup in Qatar came under a lot of criticism in the beginning due to various reasons, including the ban on alcohol. Homosexuality and human rights were also discussed.

Westerners or Europeans were strongly opposed to such behavior of Qatar. However, as time goes on, Qatar's reputation is now being heard. For example, many European soccer fans reported that they would not feel too bad watching the World Cup without alcohol or alcoholic beer. Some say the ban on alcohol reduced the number of insane.

This time women also gave a positive opinion. According to a Reuters report, female football fans feel quite safe in Qatar.

Ellie Molson, an England supporter, said, "I thought it was a terrible place for girls. Didn't know I'd be so safe here… As a female supporter traveling the country I can say I felt very safe.'

19-year-old Molosson also said, "The decision to rush to drink alcohol has worked well in one place, and that is that the World Cup premises have seen relatively less bad situations." According to him, everything in Qatar is very cultural, beautiful.

He said, "I think, because of (Qatar's) social conservativeness, such a rule (alcohol is prohibited here). According to me, alcohol makes people a bit wilder, creates problems between each other and because of this incidents like sexual abuse also happen.'

Argentina fan Ariana Gold, 21, told Reuters, "The environment here is very good for women. I love football very much. I was under the impression that Qatar might be just for men (safe) and maybe not a very comfortable environment for girls. But no, I am very comfortable here and everything here is very good.'

English supporter Emma Smith also said, 'The atmosphere here is very good so far, although there is a ban on drinking alcohol and everyone is quite sensitive about it. Everyone is coping with it and everyone is happy.''According to him, 'There is no alcohol problem here, very safe.'

Source: Reuters

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